Digital Enterprise
Digital Enterprise: an essential objective to be faced together
How can we deal with the new challenges that the evolution of the digital scenario imposes us?
Every company that wants to measure up to the future in an innovative way, incrementing the competitive potential, the efficiency and the ability to create value, should define its own evolutionary strategy.
In order to adapt the business to the new mega trends, even before selecting the technological tools, it is necessary to define an adequate strategy capable of managing the processes in an innovative way and in tune with the new exigencies of the market.
Today he customers demand to simultaneously use different channels in an interchangeable and complementary way.
This new model of interaction has significant impacts on companies, who consequently must adequate their own paradigms and operational processes to these new logics. To do so it is necessary not only to manage multiple channels of communication, but also to plan their reengineering as well as an integrated management, in order to ensure their full and constant consistency. This involves a revision of the organisational structure and of the internal processes, starting from the resetting of the end to end supply chain, of business processes, both productive and logistic, in addition to the adoption of technological solutions that might become enabling factors for the change.
Precisely in this respect, RTS defines its value proposition providing to companies a comprehensive portfolio of strategic consulting services, professional services and technology solutions that can successfully guide the companies towards the digital business transformation in a gradual, concrete and sustainable manner.
With more than 35 years of experience in the development of technology solutions and consulting services for the reorganisation of the production processes of over 150 companies operating in the sector, in Italy and abroad, RTS has been able to consolidate a great expertise and best practices that led to the identification of the following three key steps for the digital evolution.
The first step is the implementation of the strategic methodology (RTS Smart Company 4.0) to guide the approach to the digitalisation evolution, considering the pre-existing assets and investments, the peculiarities and the uniqueness factors of the customer, the areas of improvement of the activities.
The analysis process involves the harmonization of the various operating environments of the customer’s business: Finance, Purchasing, Logistics, Production, Security, Sustainability, Commercial and Technology.
This in-depth study allows to identify the necessary interventions by defining the right priorities to create a digital evolution program that takes account of the customer’s goals. Customers can also obtain specific consultations from expert consultants to adhere to tax incentives and financing dynamics dedicated to projects that can be inscribed in the Enterprise Development Support Program called Industry 4.0.
To make concrete and sustainable what has been defined during the analysis, RTS proposes its Global architecture, an innovative, modular platform that integrates all the components of application solutions that the company needs to fully automate its processes. Specifically, RTS Global provides a real dashboard to monitor in real time and mobile all the indicators in order to control each single operation and the relative performance.
Global also integrates all the ERP functionalities of RTSv8 and responds to the current and future needs of secure and differentiated access for mobile information, with any "smart" internet-connected device, for the total control of the business: from production to logistics, with a special focus to access security, data control and "proactivity", without neglecting emerging trends such as environmental sustainability. The company processes involved are therefore optimized in terms of speed and ease of execution. The following two benefits are very important: the systematic and guaranteed economic control management and the continually available analytics to provide the basic support for strategic decisions.
Constant research by the RTS team about improving the processes efficiency led to the creation and integration of vertical applications designed to provide real-time and mobile information to all enabled users.
The RTS applications allow you to manage at 360° the job cycle and have full control of the production process, from budgeting to finalization. In this way, the progress status of the order is at the centre of the business operations.
Currently, RTS is also focusing on upgrading and enhancing the KPI monitoring dashboard as regards the business control information, also available on mobile devices, on the new features related to the competitors’ analysis, and also on improving the user experience with the goal of providing a more enjoyable, simple and intuitive usability.