It integrates the design and economic evaluation of complex packages in the technical sheet
SmartProject is the module for the creation, configuration and management of projects integrated with the managing processes (sequential activities, resources, actions, procedures, commands) configurable in relation to certain events; it also allows the control of activities’ progress status and the possibility to send notifications in relations to certain situations/events.
The main goals of SmartProject are:
- the management of activities, workflow, assignments and specific resources;
- the possibility to expand the integration of control and process management functions, in a dynamic and parametric way.
the management of authorisations/notifications of planned events;
With this module, RTSv8 system is able to manage, plan and control structured and inter-related activities, adjusting the workflow and the progress according to the provided rules for the approval.
The solution realised with SmartProject module allows the integrated management of activities and assignments to specific resources according to their expertise, following a configurable workflow and predetermined steps for the approval, all in perfect integration with RTSv8 system.
In particular, it is possible:
- to define the activity and assign it to the provided resources;
- to verify the progress status of the different activities;
- to plan the activity in sequence according to predetermined events.