The new RTS solution for environmentally friendly companies
Respect for the environment is a duty as well as a distinguishing factor which is worthy of recognition even in the business world. More and more companies select their suppliers based also on the attention dedicated to environmental sustainability.
Thanks to EasyGreen corrugated board companies can count on an easy and customizable tool to monitor CO2 emissions.
EasyGreen allows you to quantify the impact of business processes and the machinery involved from production to delivery of the product to the customer. In particular, it lets you:
- Systematically measure the KPI relating to the improvement goals set
- Inform in a proactive way, with automatic alarms, in case of abnormal changes of the KPI
- Analyse the time course of the CO2 eq. per product category, customer, merchandise line, geographical zone
- Simulate scenarios of environmental impact varying the volumes per production mix
EasyGreen is also accessible via web and mobile, developed in collaboration with international partners with specific knowledge within the framework of reducing the environmental impact and it is accompanied by a counselling service customized to the peculiar features of the single company.