This year RTS once again has participated to the FEFCO convention, an important international opportunity for dialogue and comparison for the corrugated sector operators.
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RTS Latin America Roadshow
Big opportunities to accelerate the business evolution in tune with the new tecnological trends
RTS has
recently strengthened its presence in Latin America widening the coverage and
the partnerships with qualified local actors.
The Latin America Roadshow, that engaged the RTS team and its local ARSAES partners, started in Mexico and included a series of stops such as the Capital and the towns of Monterrey, Leon and Puebla. More so now than before, the entrepreneurs of the cardboard world of this region recognise the significant changes of the competitive and technological scenario and feel the need to network with experts able to accompany them in the evolutionary choices of their business and their organisations.
RTS Global - New technological developments in Angular 4.0 environment
The R&D team of RTS has recently announced the integration of its applications through the further empowering of the efficiency of the RTS Global architecture. Daniele Bochicchio, Microsoft Regional Manager, has taken part in the activities.
Also this year RTS has taken part at the conference organised by the GIFASP association.
The focus of the debate was on the scenarios and the opportunities given by the Industry 4.0 plan and the consequent implications for the folding carton world.
RTS launches the new Integration Kit for SAP Business One
RTS, the leading company in Italy and on an international scale in the provision of services and software solutions for the management of the business processes of the companies in the cardboard sector, at the recent SAP Business One Forum (Assago, 11th May 2017) presented a new kit designed to integrate its Global architecture with SAP Business One.
In particular, the RTS Global solution specifically manages the commercial, productive and stock processes relating the production and sale of the corrugated cardboard packaging.
RTS Global integrates with the system for the management of the finance processes, sharing the customers' and suppliers' master data, feeding the active and passive billing cycles and using the indications for the risk and credit management related to the specific customer, all this with the aim of assuring the integrated management of the business processes in real time through a data sharing connector.
The RTS Integration Kit for SAP Business One is based on the S.O.A. (Service Oriented Architecture) architecture of RTS Global, which allows the data sharing in real time and assures the complete interoperability between the application modules of the RTS solution.
In particular, the main benefits are:
- the shared management of the master data, which guarantees the "segregation of "duty" between finance and commercial;
- the active and passive billing, integrated with the production, maintains the accounting control over purchases, sales and warehouses;
- the risk and credit control is executed in real time during the customer order entering, before the production.
RTS will soon present new integration kits with other platforms of the sector leading vendors.